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Monday, September 13, 2010

Here's an unbiased workshop review from Ellen

3 Reasons Why I had Second Thoughts About You

Dear Jomar,

The truth is, when I saw you during Bo's Financial Coaching Program, I had serious doubts about your workshop. But it was fated that I had already signed up and paid the course way before that, otherwise I probably wouldn't have.


First, because you look so darn young...before you gloat, let me add that I was sitting quite far and I didn't have my glasses (sorry to burst your bubble!) Second is, you talk too fast for me.

And then you sent us the homework. That's where I got the third reason --- you're too strict! You kept on reiterating that if we couldn't do this or that, then send somebody else because the workshop is not for us...or something to that effect.

All these of course changed when I saw you in action at the workshop. You still look young, talks too fast, and pretty strict but I totally respect and value the lessons I've learned from you. Your tips are priceless! So all in all, you are worth it!

A few things I noted that could be improved for next time, for your consideration:
1) Know your audience mixture
: are they all beginners, or moderately or highly knowledgeable in computers/internet --- what's the mixture like? This way, you'd know if you really do need to tell them how to cut and paste and how many times do you need to emphasize this.
2) Make sure your handouts are updated!
3) An outline of your workshop would provide the attendees a better understanding on what to expect during the course so we can prepare too our questions, and we would have an idea how much we have covered during the workshop.

All in all, the workshop was a success, and something that I would recommend to my friends.


Best regards,

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