I learned a lot from your workshop. Experiencing the typhoon Ondoy after our cancelled workshop several weeks ago, I was so inspired to write a blog about it and submitted it to one of the social sites I joined in. It was the first blog I submitted to the site. The same blog got some good comments and reviews and even won me a "job" as "Article Marketing Director" of one of my favorite real estate mentors, Trace Trajano. What more, the same blog won me free lifetime mentoring from Trace Trajano! (read more about it here) I have no previous experience writing blogs. It was just that I was so inspired coming from your seminar and was just so eager to put everything to "real action". In fact, after attending your seminar, I created several blogs and have now earned a whooping $4 to my account (time to celebrate!).
Thank you so much for sharing what you know. You made the course very easy to understand and you give so much inspiration. I will recommend your workshop to all my friends!
More success and God bless.
Retrenchment? Hate the Boss? Want to Work At Home? All of these - no problem! Into Real Estate Investing or Brokering? Learn All about Internet Marketing? Avail of a free 90 day ecourse on how to blog for dollars and become a better money earner, all around.
Need help with Internet Marketing? Signup!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tenten - product seller - reviews Jomar Hilario's Internet Selling Workshop in the Philippines
Hi. This is my review regarding the IMW by Mr. Jomar Hilario:
The 2-day Internet Marketing Workshop of Jomar Hilario is a very very good investment. You'll know it already even during the 1st day!What is best about it is that it is a workshop! You could apply what you have learned immediately! You don't have to wait, after the discussion of a certain topic, he'll give a demo then participants will have a chance to do it! Each participant has his/her own computer terminal.
What I don't like...it's only for two days! I want it for at least one week! =)
I have been blogging for some time already before attending his workshop. But I wasn't earning from it! After the 1st day, after applying what I have learned, I immediately saw results from my adsense account! It is still not that huge...yet, because I'm still a newbie, but relatively, there's a significant change!...not only in the amount of money but on how I do it! I am talking about the relationship between earning money and the amount of time you spend in front of your PC. That is, an increase in earnings as to decrease in the amount of time working!
Not only that! I am now more confident in selling products on the internet!...that's for the 2nd day of the workshop! I have learned a lot from it as well! Right now, I have two products that have been already set up, and I should say, "watch out for more of my upcoming products!" =)
Earning semi-passively!
Earning even when you're sleeping!
That's a blessing!
You are a blessing to us Jomar. Thanks a lot!
Christian 'tenten' Austria
P.S. This is one of my blogs. Based [of course] on my google adsense account, this is one of my top channels to date,
internet marketing,
Ponky, an Auditor's review of the Manila Internet Marketing - Get Semi-Passive Income Workshop by Jomar Hilario
I’m Mary Ann E. Poncardas, Ponky for short. I am an auditor by profession. I have attended sir Jomar’s Internet Marketing Workshop last October 2 and 24, 2009. Here’s my review on the workshop.
Points for improvement
2.) I also find the schedule especially Friday a bit of a concern because it’s a working day. Maybe the workshop can be scheduled during weekends.
3.) Equal or better yet more time should be spent on online selling topics especially on product set-up and the use of sites like paypal, 1shopping cart and yolasite. Discussion on those topics was a bit fast.
4.) On the venue, I think it’s a little bit noisy and sometimes distracting.
Things worth noting
2.) The teaching strategy is very effective. First, the topic is discussed. Second, a demo on how to do it is presented and third, the participant s apply it to their individually assigned computer.
3.) There are enough facilitators who are very accommodating and patient in assisting the participants.( Kudos to you guys, for doing a great job!)
4.) You’ll really get to listen to an internet marketing expert who’s very generous in sharing what he knows. You’ll never get bored listening to him. He has a funny way of emphasizing important points in his discussion. I bet you all know him. For those who don’t, I’m talking about the internet marketing guru himself sir Jomar Hilario. (Mabuhay ka sir Jom!)
5.) The workshop also had a short yoga session. I really like the yoga part. Very effective. I’ll gonna do it every morning.
6.) Materials including the slide presentation are given to the participants. So everything that was discussed in the workshop can be done at home.
In general, I think its a unique workshop. There’s actually a catch, just when you thought you are attending an internet marketing workshop, prepare yourself for a big disappointment because sir Jomar had emphasized to us from the start that the workshop is all about achieving your dreams by changing your mindset and using the internet as one of the vehicles in achieving financial freedom.
For all the things I've experienced during the workshop and for all the things I can do after it, I think its all worth it.:-)
Thank you to the organizers and God bless you all.
Best regards,
internet marketing,
manila workshop,
passive income,
Melanie (simple internet surfer) reviews Jomar Hilario's Internet Marketing Workshop
Review on Truly Rich Internet Marketing Workshop by Jomar Hilario
October 3 and October 24, 2009
I must say that Mr. Hilario has made my world bigger with this workshop.
From a simple internet surfer keeping in touch with family and friends by email and the social networks, the internet for me has now grown from simply being a link but as a source and tool for business, an instrument to use in achieving a lifestyle I dream for my family.
His workshop is well-organized. The concepts are presented from the very simple and basic to the more intricate and more complex without it being overwhelming. The lessons are complemented by a written guide, a visual guide and a demonstration, then tried out / followed by the participants. And moreso, thare are facilitators who can help out on a 1-on-1 basis if one is still hard to follow the lessons. Mr. Hilario makes a lot of simple analogies that make an "internet idiot" understand. Like when he presented the concept of the the shopping cart as the marketer and Paypal as the cashier. The concept of multiple streams of income, he used KC Concepcion as a student who used to just have income from one source (mega mom) to now having income from commercials, movies, etc. The concepts are presented in a variety of ways like the importance of keywords, in a game, the participants own concept of making money online is done by partners sharing their own plans to develop blogs, into products they can sell using the aids of different websites.
It helped a lot that we were given assignments and preparations before the workshop as this facilitated understanding of the first day lessons.
Mr. hilario as a facilitator is a very good motivator. His enthusiasm and "positivism" makes you really want to learn more and more. I like it that he incorporates games, interaction among participants and even gives out "freebies" as books and magazines as tokens of good work or prizes on games.
The venue is very accesible by commute or private vehicle. Each participant has his own computer makes the lessons very personal. The food is very good and filling.
Now that I am home, he has gifted us with a copy in our thumb drive of the whole 2-day lecture and a lot lot more of what I would call "continuous education" (additional reading guides to further improve where we are now). In the workshop, he has basically spoonfed us with all the things WE HAVE TO DO TO START SUCCESSFULLY an internet business but in his "freebies" he leaves it to us further dig deep into what more we can learn. He's like the key who turned on the ignition to start the car and even gave "free" gas to further help us start going to our destination of success.
If I were to rate the whole workshop it would be a 9 / 10. Just a few comments on how to further improve the workshop:
1. The second day was a bit hard to follow because there were so many concepts to learn (that is presuming that I not so much internet knowledgeable). Maybe it would help if the participants were given a copy of the lectures to read over the week before the 2nd meeting (after the first day) so that they would have a chance to preview what lay ahead.
2. Since there are ready co-facilitators in the group, maybe it wuld be helpful that each participant is given a facilitator-partner with whom he can work closely in understanding the lessons. So that after the first day they can communicate even by email. Example, the first day lesson encouraged me to start out my own blogs and after creating about 6 blogs (Hehehe by the way you promised me a prize for that! ), I so wanted to show it to someone to comment on whether it was a good blog or how I could further improve it. I understand that there is a menotring club that would do that but a few guidelines would help, like mentoring just for the duration of the workshop. It would of course be best if Mr. Hilario could do that but because I thisnk this would be too much mentoring for 1 person of 30 or more people, his advance participants or co-faciltators maybe can help out.
3. Regarding the ONLINE mentoring Club. People would be very interested to join it but may I suggest that a "2 week to a month time allowance to decide and prepare" be given to absorb the 2 day seminar just to give the participant enough time to absorb and try out all the lessons learned and do some "tinkering and further reading" for himself and then go on to the mentoring. This would also give us time to prepare the money to pay for the additonals (IPOD, etc)
That's about all for now and I do hope that I can get to attend and take advantage of Mr. Hilario's offferings in the future. Definitely looking forward to that.
Thank you Mr. Hilario and all your staff, my world now is not only bigger but better!!!! More POWER
October 3 and October 24, 2009
I must say that Mr. Hilario has made my world bigger with this workshop.
From a simple internet surfer keeping in touch with family and friends by email and the social networks, the internet for me has now grown from simply being a link but as a source and tool for business, an instrument to use in achieving a lifestyle I dream for my family.
His workshop is well-organized. The concepts are presented from the very simple and basic to the more intricate and more complex without it being overwhelming. The lessons are complemented by a written guide, a visual guide and a demonstration, then tried out / followed by the participants. And moreso, thare are facilitators who can help out on a 1-on-1 basis if one is still hard to follow the lessons. Mr. Hilario makes a lot of simple analogies that make an "internet idiot" understand. Like when he presented the concept of the the shopping cart as the marketer and Paypal as the cashier. The concept of multiple streams of income, he used KC Concepcion as a student who used to just have income from one source (mega mom) to now having income from commercials, movies, etc. The concepts are presented in a variety of ways like the importance of keywords, in a game, the participants own concept of making money online is done by partners sharing their own plans to develop blogs, into products they can sell using the aids of different websites.
It helped a lot that we were given assignments and preparations before the workshop as this facilitated understanding of the first day lessons.
Mr. hilario as a facilitator is a very good motivator. His enthusiasm and "positivism" makes you really want to learn more and more. I like it that he incorporates games, interaction among participants and even gives out "freebies" as books and magazines as tokens of good work or prizes on games.
The venue is very accesible by commute or private vehicle. Each participant has his own computer makes the lessons very personal. The food is very good and filling.
Now that I am home, he has gifted us with a copy in our thumb drive of the whole 2-day lecture and a lot lot more of what I would call "continuous education" (additional reading guides to further improve where we are now). In the workshop, he has basically spoonfed us with all the things WE HAVE TO DO TO START SUCCESSFULLY an internet business but in his "freebies" he leaves it to us further dig deep into what more we can learn. He's like the key who turned on the ignition to start the car and even gave "free" gas to further help us start going to our destination of success.
If I were to rate the whole workshop it would be a 9 / 10. Just a few comments on how to further improve the workshop:
1. The second day was a bit hard to follow because there were so many concepts to learn (that is presuming that I not so much internet knowledgeable). Maybe it would help if the participants were given a copy of the lectures to read over the week before the 2nd meeting (after the first day) so that they would have a chance to preview what lay ahead.
2. Since there are ready co-facilitators in the group, maybe it wuld be helpful that each participant is given a facilitator-partner with whom he can work closely in understanding the lessons. So that after the first day they can communicate even by email. Example, the first day lesson encouraged me to start out my own blogs and after creating about 6 blogs (Hehehe by the way you promised me a prize for that! ), I so wanted to show it to someone to comment on whether it was a good blog or how I could further improve it. I understand that there is a menotring club that would do that but a few guidelines would help, like mentoring just for the duration of the workshop. It would of course be best if Mr. Hilario could do that but because I thisnk this would be too much mentoring for 1 person of 30 or more people, his advance participants or co-faciltators maybe can help out.
3. Regarding the ONLINE mentoring Club. People would be very interested to join it but may I suggest that a "2 week to a month time allowance to decide and prepare" be given to absorb the 2 day seminar just to give the participant enough time to absorb and try out all the lessons learned and do some "tinkering and further reading" for himself and then go on to the mentoring. This would also give us time to prepare the money to pay for the additonals (IPOD, etc)
That's about all for now and I do hope that I can get to attend and take advantage of Mr. Hilario's offferings in the future. Definitely looking forward to that.
Thank you Mr. Hilario and all your staff, my world now is not only bigger but better!!!! More POWER
Internet Marketing Workshop,
Review by Mannix de Duque (military man)
I’m Cpt. Mannix de Duque, the director of the directorate for i.T. Training of the philippine army, and now a very satisfied student of jomar hilario in this remarkable internet marketing workshop.
I’m so satisfied because i’m really learning a lot on how to make my own blogs that would generate additional streams of passive income.
Jomar’s style of teaching is so straightforward, practical, simple yet very informative and effective, making it easy for us students to follow his instructions.
The workshop is really great! It provides excellent hands-on experience because each of us has one computer to use, which gives us the opportunity to immediately implement jomar’s lessons.
I’m so grateful right now because in just two days, I learned so many things from jomar… especially on how to use effective keywords in our blogs that will increase traffic and visitors and eventually put money into your pocket.
So if you’re interested to have additional streams of income, attend jomar’s internet marketing workshop, and you’ll really love it, you’ll learn from it, and you’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned instantly and start earning.
Sulit na sulit talaga! We’re so happy for having jomar as our mentor. Jomar is truly an expert internet marketer. He is very humble and he is so generous in sharing his knowledge and skills on how to build your very own business in the internet, and has bonus lessons as well on how to live a remarkable life.
Thank you jomar! My mentor and internet marketing hero! Mabuhay ka!
P.S. With the books I already bought, I also enjoy the teachings of bo sanchez! Jim rohn! Si t. Harv eker! Les brown! Earl nightingale! Napoleon hill! Robert kiyosaki! Jack canfield! John assaraf! Mark victor hansen! Robert allen! Zig ziglar! Anthony robbins! Rhonda byrne! At wallace d wattles! And now pati na kayo sir jomar hilario! Thank you!
My blog http://core8networkmarketingbusiness.blogspot.com/
I’m so satisfied because i’m really learning a lot on how to make my own blogs that would generate additional streams of passive income.
Jomar’s style of teaching is so straightforward, practical, simple yet very informative and effective, making it easy for us students to follow his instructions.
The workshop is really great! It provides excellent hands-on experience because each of us has one computer to use, which gives us the opportunity to immediately implement jomar’s lessons.
I’m so grateful right now because in just two days, I learned so many things from jomar… especially on how to use effective keywords in our blogs that will increase traffic and visitors and eventually put money into your pocket.
So if you’re interested to have additional streams of income, attend jomar’s internet marketing workshop, and you’ll really love it, you’ll learn from it, and you’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned instantly and start earning.
Sulit na sulit talaga! We’re so happy for having jomar as our mentor. Jomar is truly an expert internet marketer. He is very humble and he is so generous in sharing his knowledge and skills on how to build your very own business in the internet, and has bonus lessons as well on how to live a remarkable life.
Thank you jomar! My mentor and internet marketing hero! Mabuhay ka!
P.S. With the books I already bought, I also enjoy the teachings of bo sanchez! Jim rohn! Si t. Harv eker! Les brown! Earl nightingale! Napoleon hill! Robert kiyosaki! Jack canfield! John assaraf! Mark victor hansen! Robert allen! Zig ziglar! Anthony robbins! Rhonda byrne! At wallace d wattles! And now pati na kayo sir jomar hilario! Thank you!
My blog http://core8networkmarketingbusiness.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
How To Start an Internet Marketing Business (offline) Workshop April 10,2010
This April 10,2010 in Cebu, you'll finally learn how to:
- Correctly start an internet business that matters to you and is not "just a money maker for the sake of making money".Strangely, starting an internet marketing - home based - business is not "ok, go and create many blogs", it's more than that. Find out in the workshop the answer.
- Go past the hype and tall promises of many online marketers and actually know how it all works - from a clear overview of someone who's actually done it and is Pinoy, too!
- Overcome your fear of starting something new - like blogging or selling online.
- Make procrastination your friend (yes, you read that right) by knowing the actual message it's telling you plus know how to act on that message-perhaps for the first time.
- Push/pull/compell yourself to action, action, action - since all your millions of great and wonderful ideas will only give you benefits if you act. You'll know and do the steps in the workshop that will keep reminding you to act more than once.
- See clearly what your objective in your Internet Marketing business. It's earning "extra money, right?". I'm sorry, it's not, it's more than that and it's different for each person.
- Go past your excuses for non-action, specially after attending Jomar's 14 hour workshop.
- Experience a more pleasant and free life-even before you start earning anything online. Yes, it's possible with just a change in thinking, you'd be surprised.
- Free up your time for things that really matter to you.
- Find out how the "new rich" are living and how you can do it too, right now (yes, that's not a typo).

Cebu Goals Clarifying + Internet Marketing Overview (offline) Workshop is a totally new concept -designed for you who are starting off in the internet business or those who have already started but can't seem to progress.
-April 10,2010
-9am - 5pm
-Venue:Sarrosa Hotel
-Come in super casual clothes
-email cebuworkshop@gmail.com NOW to get updates and reserve your seats. Discounts: Walk-in Rate: Pay on April 10 - P3,977 Regular Rate: Pay between March 24- April 9 - P3,777 Super Saver Rate: Pay between March 17 - March 23- P3,277 Early Bird Rate : Pay on or before March 16 - P2,777 |
Includes Lunch, Two snacks, Overflowing Coffee.
If you're not in Cebu but nearby:
1. Fly in, ship in. It's worth it, you'll see.
2. Send a family member who's nearby (if you're in another country). Send someone who's ready for a change in life, someone who's been slaving away for more than 10 years at a job - that's ready - and not yet a manager. Or send someone who's at the very top of management but has no time for anything but work any more.
3. You may pay for their ticket via this Paypal/Credit Card link.
What you can expect:
1. A completely user friendly / even fun--> overview of Internet Marketing plus an exploration of big questions that you must be asking yourself -before starting an internet business or any business for that matter. Completely no technical words will be used (and that includes "monetize") - unless it's been defined in a workshop(!).
2. Tony Robbins said "The quality of your life depends on the quality of your questions." You'll be stepping back in a "very nice" venue - swimming pool, laid back ambiance - just like a retreat of sorts and you'll be guided into getting back to what's really important in your life. By now any New Year's resolution you might have made would have completely dissolved and it's time you get assistance in getting your "Life" on track. Here's your chance and excuse!
3. In this "offline" workshop --you will do activities that are important but do not involve the computer. The kind of internet business you'll learn requires you to understand its inner workings to MAKE OTHER PEOPLE or a COMPUTER do the work for you so you can enjoy the life of the "NEW RICH".
4. Yes, a thorough discussion on Virtual Assistants is central to this "lifestyle". What's the use of "extra income" if you have no time to enjoy it or spend time for the people who matter to you? Now, there's a way - and in Cebu we'll tell you all about it.
5. We've stayed away from the usual corporate venues because this is far from your corporate or work seminar. You'll be asked to wear very comfortable clothes, preferably long shorts and clothes for a STROLL by the pool or beach. As early as the workshop we can to give you a distinct picture of what it means to have the lifestyle of the new rich - getting income from the internet and living anywhere you want plus whole new set of challenges that entails.
6. This is not just "acting" but an important part of making the law of attraction work in your favor. We will also be doing workshop activities to better understand and APPLY this "law" that you may have heard in Bo Sanchez's book or "The Secret" book or movie.
7. In the workshop, you'll be opened to a lot of possibilities you might not have heard of before. Things you once thought - impossible may now be possible. Not just in internet marketing but in general life and business goals as well. We're there to make it clear what your goals are.
8. This workshop is very much a journey into your future. Would you like to begin with the end in mind? Here's your chance to ACT it out!
9. You will learn how to follow up YOURSELF or create means to follow up yourself so you're always reminded of your goals and stay on track.
10. Now regarding "Internet Business", you'll finally be able to understand how it all works - from the point of view of Hollywood (!) - something we all "get" and you'll be given lots of concrete ideas on how to start.
11. No generalizations will be given but actual websites to go to and what to do there- WHAT TO CLICK and WHAT TO ENTER in these websites are included in the TAKE HOME materials and the lecture portion. Some of these sites you already know but can now use for your own advantage to earn for you.
12. You will know the inner workings of an internet business - how to price, what to sell, why sell, what to do with time or too much of it or too little of it, why sell that and to whom, how to find people who will buy -online. It's all about simplicity and I've distilled the best and simplest ideas for you to immediately use.
13. You will know personal inner details like "How much do you earn monthly Jomar?" or "How many clients do you have, Jomar?" or "Will life really be easier with a Virtual Assistant, Jomar?" and I will candidly answer them without exaggeration or making it appear to be more than it really is. (no hype)
Complete details /hotel accomodations/transpo advice -specially regarding attire will be given once you have registered via payment of the workshop fee-which is steeply discounted for early birds - but before that -what else will you get?
PLUS You will be getting the answers to these burning "internet marketing" questions:
1. What information products do you sell through the Internet? Describe that products and explain why you choose them.
2. How long have you been in this information marketing business – and how much income more or less do you now make a year?
3. What are the basic steps needed to start an online information marketing business? What are the things that you have to prepare or settle? How much capital do you need?
4. How do you set your price? Apply this to your product and justify.
5. From your experience, what is the most effective marketing system of selling information online?
2. How long have you been in this information marketing business – and how much income more or less do you now make a year?
3. What are the basic steps needed to start an online information marketing business? What are the things that you have to prepare or settle? How much capital do you need?
4. How do you set your price? Apply this to your product and justify.
5. From your experience, what is the most effective marketing system of selling information online?
6. What are the marketing strategies and tactics you use?
7. How do you build your subscribers’ list? And what promotional vehicles do you use?
8. What communication strategies do you use in selling? Do pictures, font styles, and colors matter?
9. How do you write your headlines?
10. Do you give incentives? Why?
11. What is the most important element of a webpage for you?
12. What are the Advantages and disadvantages of information products?
13. What were the obstacles you met, how did you overcome them, and what did you learn from them?
14. What is the MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE or SECRET you would give to someone who wants to do information marketing through the web?
BONUSES:12. What are the Advantages and disadvantages of information products?
13. What were the obstacles you met, how did you overcome them, and what did you learn from them?
14. What is the MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE or SECRET you would give to someone who wants to do information marketing through the web?
1. Success Books Power Guide (downloadable guide to what books to read and how to legally get the ideas of the books for free - a $ 57 value)
2. 1000 True Fans Special Report (find out what your goal is - marketing wise - a $27 value)
3. You take home the 300 page presentations in digital form (a $ 67 value)
Includes Lunch, Two snacks, Overflowing Coffee (if you want). |
The venue: Sarrosa Hotel, Cebu
So make sure you avail of that Early Bird Rate of P 2777! before March 16, 2010. You better be there to give your mind a break, stretch it and transform it into the mind that brings you into ne heights on April 10,2010, 9am - 5pm at the VENUE. Everyone in the Visayas and Mindanao area are encourage to go - this is the nearest I can reach out to you.
Email cebuworkshop@gmail.com to get your slots ASAP or get it via this Paypal Link (you can use your credit cards too):
Contact Cellphone Number: (Tony) 0922-884-58-46 to get reservations or for answers to any questions.
or simply just deposit via these two bank accounts
BPI Savings bank account 3216-3898-62 name Jose Mario R Hilario. Corinthian Plaza Branch, Makati City.
P.S. Organizers of Manila and Cebu are different so make sure you're emailing the correct email. cebuworkshop@gmail.com or manilaworkshop@gmail.com
P.S. See you in CEBU!! This is going to be fun and totally eye-opening for you.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Cagayan De Oro Internet Marketing Workshop Sept 2009
How does 14-16 hours of full HANDS ON TRAINING on how to create semi-passive income on the internet - sound to you?
Imagine yourself here-learning!
Cagayan De Oro 14 hour Hands On Workshop, email CDOWorkshop@gmail.com to reserve your slot. Sept 3-4,2009. 1030am-530pm
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
If you're not in Cebu/CDO/Davao or Manila, try the Internet based - ONLINE WORKSHOP CLUB to help you create that freedom-giving internet income:
Learn how to...
-Setup a business that can replace your day job
-Setup a business that you can sell someday. like real estate
-Setup a 2nd source of income w/o leaving your day job!
-Deal with Virtual Assistants for the first time-effectively!
-No retirement pay? No problem! Online businesses can be
your retirement income!
-Learn how the internet experts are doing it-even if
you're not that good yourself!
-Setup and use autoresponders
-Sell online w/o knowing how to sell personally
-Set things up automatically so it makes money while you
-Find and create products that can make income for you.
For Businesses:
-Learn the techniques Pinoy & International Internet
Marketers have used for years!
-Promote your business -online -ahead of your competitors!
-Follow SEO practices from the beginning --even w/o
realizing it!
-Find out where the LATEST keywords can come from
(nope, it's not overture)
-Discover more about your clients w/o asking them.
-Saturate the internet w/o doing the heavy lifting yourself.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario in the ...
The Truly Rich Internet Marketing Hands On Workshop
*with 20,000 pesos worth of bonus products that you can use/sell/giveaway
Venue: Domain Net Cafe, near Liceo De Cagayan.
Dates: Sept 3-4,2009. Thursday/Friday. 1030am-530pm
Email cdoworkshop@gmail.com to avail now! Pay only P 8750 Early Bird Promo ends: August 17,2009 after that it's the standard P 9750.
14 hours of Internet marketing know how - hands on - a new improved version designed for both beginners and advanced internet users! Learn how to create income from the web.
When: Sept 3-4,2009 CDO IMWorkshop.
Thursday/Friday. 1030am-530am. both days.
Venue: Domain Internet Cafe, near Liceo de Cagayan De Oro.
Note: This is NEW and IMPROVED --different from the Manila or Cebu Workshops.
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
See what you can benefit from attending this workshop:
BENEFIT 1: Create a way to make money semi-passively on the internet. Blogging with Adsense with Automatic Writing (note: no writing talent required, minimum time spent per month)
How to....
+- Find popular niches in small markets in seconds!
+- Know what other things your market is interested in
aside from your niche.
+- Name your blog so it appears top in search engines
+- Update your blog regularly, even when you're on
vacation or busy doing other things.
+- Keep your blog relevant/current even if you have
no writing talent.
+- Develop your blog's popularity - both quickly and
slowly you can do both - at the same time!
+- Maximize your blog format for high adsense
+- Track which niche is making money for you.
+- "Decorate" your blog with items that increase it's
earning potential.
+- Do "link love" for maximum popularity (for your blog).
+- Do all the above in the shortest number of steps
+- Make blogs that give only a high amount of income
and ignore those niches that pay comparatively little.
+- Make use of other people's blogs to make yours more
+- Never run out of topics for your blogs.
+- Take charge of your income in blogging - concentrate on
the money earners.
+- Do all of the above ETHICALLY and LEGALLY
What to past participants say?
Vince Golangco
BENEFIT 2: Build an online business complete with customers, products and credit card acceptance!
Create an online store, an online newsletter and a client capture website!
How to....
+- Start an online store with one product only and build up to
+- Set up a site or email that instantly accepts credit cards -
from the Philippines!
+- Capture client's emails in any site/email you create.
+- Create an automated online newsletter
+- Find stuff to put into your newsletter when you have no
writing talent.
+- Create free offers.
+- Use the very system that the Internet Marketing "Bigboys" are using to create their wealth!
+- Close a sale on the internet
+- Use BENEFIT 1 in creating your product - if you don't have
+- Super charge your existing business so you're on top of your client's needs.
+- Fill up your store/venue when you have an event/promo
+- Get ahead in your business using time tested practices
marketing experts use in your own niche!
Jan Hilado
BENEFIT 3: Let everybody in your market know all about you.
Internet Promotion, where to do it, do's and don'ts , do it.
How to....
+- Promote in forums, blogs, social networks, event
calendars, etc.
+- Have the correct mindset so you succeed in promotion
+- Synergize your offline and online promotions for
maximum success utilize offline marketing techniques in
your online promotions
+- Be a business owner- when it comes to promoting your
business or service.
BENEFIT 4: Virtual Assistants: Free up your time in the process. There's so much to do, so little time, What do I do?
How to....
+- Avoid doing all this heavy lifting and get your life back
while earning on the side.
+- Find, qualify and deal with virtual assistants (VA) that do
all the work for you
+- How to create digital products just by dealing with these VAs.
Irene Chua
Experience Bonus 1:
You'll learn all the above without the technical terms and complicated concepts that sometimes cloud understanding. All you'll learn is practical, doable and instantly usable.
Take Home Bonus:
You take home ALL HANDOUTS and PRESENTATIONS so you can apply what you have learned on your own. All presentations are STEP-BY-STEP and even a grandmother can follow them. P.S. Bring a large capacity USB Thumb Drive for the BONUSES. (400MB)
Must be able to create a new email account. This is no joke. If you have no experience in creating an account - you might have a hard time following - and I suggest you bring along someone who is- to guide you! This requirement involves being able to surf, click, right click, drag, high-light, copy and paste. If you're chuckling because you know these things already - or you're sad because you don't --know that we will be spending time -during the event in training you in these basics.
Create a working website that you can use to sell anything.
This level of detail has not been available to others at this price before-till now. The value of this workshop is in excess of P 200,000 - if you attend it in the US.
"Yahoo! I already earned my first $100, after 2 months!" - Dandy, Cebu
"What I liked about the workshop is that the instructions were easy to understand. Anyone with a little bit of basic computer skills will be able to comprehend." Vincent
"(I like the section on) Blogging & adsense...because I don't need to be a good writer to earn semi-passive income."
"What I like most in the workshop is the opportunity to market globally whatever you want to sell. I want to earn as well ." Mike
"Sulit na Sulit!" Judith
This is not a TALKING SEMINAR, but a DOING WORKSHOP. You leave the event with a website you can use to sell any product.
Cagayan De Oro 14 hour Hands On Workshop, email CDOWorkshop@gmail.com to reserve your slot. Sept 3-4,2009
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
Pay only P 8750 Early Bird Promo ends: August 24,2009 after that it's the standard P 9750.
You only have a few days to decide-there are limited seats! A workshop of THIS level of detail is NOT OFFERED ANYWHERE in the Philippines.
To avail of this workshop in the US - will cost you P 85,000 - P200,000 - and that's just attendance to a seminar. This workshop is a bargain at P 9750.-!
Email cdoworkshop@gmail.com to get details on how to reserve your seat now.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario
About the Trainor:
Goal: To Make You Truly Rich
Core gift: Teaching and Training
Passion: Sharing his (Technical) knowledge in the simplest way.
Core skills: Presentation, Internet Technology, Marketing
Recent Achievement: Filled up a 10,000 seat venue in 30 days via online marketing. Yes, how this is done will also be shared in the Internet Marketing Workshop.
P.S1. Each person most likely knows someone else who is passionate about earning online. Please do not close this email until you've sent this opportunity to that person. He or she will be thanking you -richly - very very soon.
Oh yes the P 20,000 worth of bonuses is included in his package. This contains Ebooks that you can sell or give away to attract your customers, specially if you don't have a product. There are also programs you can use in your business as well as Informational Ebooks about Internet Marketing.
Pay only P 8750 Early Bird Promo ends: August 24,2009 after that it's the standard P 9750.
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
Imagine yourself here-learning!
Cagayan De Oro 14 hour Hands On Workshop, email CDOWorkshop@gmail.com to reserve your slot. Sept 3-4,2009. 1030am-530pm
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
If you're not in Cebu/CDO/Davao or Manila, try the Internet based - ONLINE WORKSHOP CLUB to help you create that freedom-giving internet income:
Learn how to...
-Setup a business that can replace your day job
-Setup a business that you can sell someday. like real estate
-Setup a 2nd source of income w/o leaving your day job!
-Deal with Virtual Assistants for the first time-effectively!
-No retirement pay? No problem! Online businesses can be
your retirement income!
-Learn how the internet experts are doing it-even if
you're not that good yourself!
-Setup and use autoresponders
-Sell online w/o knowing how to sell personally
-Set things up automatically so it makes money while you
-Find and create products that can make income for you.
For Businesses:
-Learn the techniques Pinoy & International Internet
Marketers have used for years!
-Promote your business -online -ahead of your competitors!
-Follow SEO practices from the beginning --even w/o
realizing it!
-Find out where the LATEST keywords can come from
(nope, it's not overture)
-Discover more about your clients w/o asking them.
-Saturate the internet w/o doing the heavy lifting yourself.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario in the ...
The Truly Rich Internet Marketing Hands On Workshop
*with 20,000 pesos worth of bonus products that you can use/sell/giveaway
Venue: Domain Net Cafe, near Liceo De Cagayan.
Dates: Sept 3-4,2009. Thursday/Friday. 1030am-530pm
Email cdoworkshop@gmail.com to avail now! Pay only P 8750 Early Bird Promo ends: August 17,2009 after that it's the standard P 9750.
14 hours of Internet marketing know how - hands on - a new improved version designed for both beginners and advanced internet users! Learn how to create income from the web.
When: Sept 3-4,2009 CDO IMWorkshop.
Thursday/Friday. 1030am-530am. both days.
Venue: Domain Internet Cafe, near Liceo de Cagayan De Oro.
Note: This is NEW and IMPROVED --different from the Manila or Cebu Workshops.
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
See what you can benefit from attending this workshop:
BENEFIT 1: Create a way to make money semi-passively on the internet. Blogging with Adsense with Automatic Writing (note: no writing talent required, minimum time spent per month)
How to....
+- Find popular niches in small markets in seconds!
+- Know what other things your market is interested in
aside from your niche.
+- Name your blog so it appears top in search engines
+- Update your blog regularly, even when you're on
vacation or busy doing other things.
+- Keep your blog relevant/current even if you have
no writing talent.
+- Develop your blog's popularity - both quickly and
slowly you can do both - at the same time!
+- Maximize your blog format for high adsense
+- Track which niche is making money for you.
+- "Decorate" your blog with items that increase it's
earning potential.
+- Do "link love" for maximum popularity (for your blog).
+- Do all the above in the shortest number of steps
+- Make blogs that give only a high amount of income
and ignore those niches that pay comparatively little.
+- Make use of other people's blogs to make yours more
+- Never run out of topics for your blogs.
+- Take charge of your income in blogging - concentrate on
the money earners.
+- Do all of the above ETHICALLY and LEGALLY
What to past participants say?
Vince Golangco
BENEFIT 2: Build an online business complete with customers, products and credit card acceptance!
Create an online store, an online newsletter and a client capture website!
How to....
+- Start an online store with one product only and build up to
+- Set up a site or email that instantly accepts credit cards -
from the Philippines!
+- Capture client's emails in any site/email you create.
+- Create an automated online newsletter
+- Find stuff to put into your newsletter when you have no
writing talent.
+- Create free offers.
+- Use the very system that the Internet Marketing "Bigboys" are using to create their wealth!
+- Close a sale on the internet
+- Use BENEFIT 1 in creating your product - if you don't have
+- Super charge your existing business so you're on top of your client's needs.
+- Fill up your store/venue when you have an event/promo
+- Get ahead in your business using time tested practices
marketing experts use in your own niche!
Jan Hilado
BENEFIT 3: Let everybody in your market know all about you.
Internet Promotion, where to do it, do's and don'ts , do it.
How to....
+- Promote in forums, blogs, social networks, event
calendars, etc.
+- Have the correct mindset so you succeed in promotion
+- Synergize your offline and online promotions for
maximum success utilize offline marketing techniques in
your online promotions
+- Be a business owner- when it comes to promoting your
business or service.
BENEFIT 4: Virtual Assistants: Free up your time in the process. There's so much to do, so little time, What do I do?
How to....
+- Avoid doing all this heavy lifting and get your life back
while earning on the side.
+- Find, qualify and deal with virtual assistants (VA) that do
all the work for you
+- How to create digital products just by dealing with these VAs.
Irene Chua
Experience Bonus 1:
You'll learn all the above without the technical terms and complicated concepts that sometimes cloud understanding. All you'll learn is practical, doable and instantly usable.
Take Home Bonus:
You take home ALL HANDOUTS and PRESENTATIONS so you can apply what you have learned on your own. All presentations are STEP-BY-STEP and even a grandmother can follow them. P.S. Bring a large capacity USB Thumb Drive for the BONUSES. (400MB)
Must be able to create a new email account. This is no joke. If you have no experience in creating an account - you might have a hard time following - and I suggest you bring along someone who is- to guide you! This requirement involves being able to surf, click, right click, drag, high-light, copy and paste. If you're chuckling because you know these things already - or you're sad because you don't --know that we will be spending time -during the event in training you in these basics.
Create a working website that you can use to sell anything.
This level of detail has not been available to others at this price before-till now. The value of this workshop is in excess of P 200,000 - if you attend it in the US.
"Yahoo! I already earned my first $100, after 2 months!" - Dandy, Cebu
"What I liked about the workshop is that the instructions were easy to understand. Anyone with a little bit of basic computer skills will be able to comprehend." Vincent
"(I like the section on) Blogging & adsense...because I don't need to be a good writer to earn semi-passive income."
"What I like most in the workshop is the opportunity to market globally whatever you want to sell. I want to earn as well ." Mike
"Sulit na Sulit!" Judith
This is not a TALKING SEMINAR, but a DOING WORKSHOP. You leave the event with a website you can use to sell any product.
Cagayan De Oro 14 hour Hands On Workshop, email CDOWorkshop@gmail.com to reserve your slot. Sept 3-4,2009
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
Pay only P 8750 Early Bird Promo ends: August 24,2009 after that it's the standard P 9750.
You only have a few days to decide-there are limited seats! A workshop of THIS level of detail is NOT OFFERED ANYWHERE in the Philippines.
To avail of this workshop in the US - will cost you P 85,000 - P200,000 - and that's just attendance to a seminar. This workshop is a bargain at P 9750.-!
Email cdoworkshop@gmail.com to get details on how to reserve your seat now.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario
About the Trainor:
Goal: To Make You Truly Rich
Core gift: Teaching and Training
Passion: Sharing his (Technical) knowledge in the simplest way.
Core skills: Presentation, Internet Technology, Marketing
Recent Achievement: Filled up a 10,000 seat venue in 30 days via online marketing. Yes, how this is done will also be shared in the Internet Marketing Workshop.
P.S1. Each person most likely knows someone else who is passionate about earning online. Please do not close this email until you've sent this opportunity to that person. He or she will be thanking you -richly - very very soon.
Oh yes the P 20,000 worth of bonuses is included in his package. This contains Ebooks that you can sell or give away to attract your customers, specially if you don't have a product. There are also programs you can use in your business as well as Informational Ebooks about Internet Marketing.
Pay only P 8750 Early Bird Promo ends: August 24,2009 after that it's the standard P 9750.
Call up Tony at Tel. (032) 2558802 (After office hours only) or text/call at 09228845846 / 09228845848
Monday, August 3, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
hi jomar!
the workshop was totally awesome. I learned much, even though we were at lightning speeds in finishing the material.
to be honest, from here i have no idea were i'm going to. i'm an avid reader of many stuffs and would like to "blog" about it.
having an online store, as you discussed earlier was not in my mind so i wasn't thinking that much, but is a great option for those who
have companies.
one thing that's bad though, was the totally draining workshop. that's for sure, but will be considering your tips and advices.
Thanks and more power.
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
the workshop was totally awesome. I learned much, even though we were at lightning speeds in finishing the material.
to be honest, from here i have no idea were i'm going to. i'm an avid reader of many stuffs and would like to "blog" about it.
having an online store, as you discussed earlier was not in my mind so i wasn't thinking that much, but is a great option for those who
have companies.
one thing that's bad though, was the totally draining workshop. that's for sure, but will be considering your tips and advices.
Thanks and more power.
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
Hello Jomar,
That seminar was something. It made me realize what a big goldmine we have on the internet. Tools were given to us and all that I could say was WOW!!!
I could give out a lot of other positive things to say, but you're probably not interested in them anymore......
Two things I've noticed though. One was, you do get angry at times. It shows in your tone... Probably something to do with the Filipino crowd... Most of the times, Us filipinos are like that. Well. Its nothing really against you. We're all human and we do have emotions...
Second. I didnt like the part where we have to do the australian account part... It made me feel that we are hacking in a way... Although, I dnt reli see yet the problem yet, with the law in that. However, at this time its probably the only way that we can only get paid in the philippines. I wish somehow we could somehow do it legit. Much like, how u did the Freebies. That was really something..
Overall, I probably had the best seminar for this year. PRICELESS I should say.
Thank you so much for all tips and tricks of the trade. I could safely say that your intentions are pure. You dnt present things in a flowery type of presentation. Just the facts solely based on experience. You're good... You're very very good.
See ya soon....
JA De torres
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
That seminar was something. It made me realize what a big goldmine we have on the internet. Tools were given to us and all that I could say was WOW!!!
I could give out a lot of other positive things to say, but you're probably not interested in them anymore......
Two things I've noticed though. One was, you do get angry at times. It shows in your tone... Probably something to do with the Filipino crowd... Most of the times, Us filipinos are like that. Well. Its nothing really against you. We're all human and we do have emotions...
Second. I didnt like the part where we have to do the australian account part... It made me feel that we are hacking in a way... Although, I dnt reli see yet the problem yet, with the law in that. However, at this time its probably the only way that we can only get paid in the philippines. I wish somehow we could somehow do it legit. Much like, how u did the Freebies. That was really something..
Overall, I probably had the best seminar for this year. PRICELESS I should say.
Thank you so much for all tips and tricks of the trade. I could safely say that your intentions are pure. You dnt present things in a flowery type of presentation. Just the facts solely based on experience. You're good... You're very very good.
See ya soon....
JA De torres
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
Friday, July 24, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
Jomar first of all, my sincerest thanks to you and to all the people behind the seminar,
special mention Ma'am Beckie and Ma'am Pinkie.
Now for the review. First of all, all the good stuff:
1. The lessons, though fast paced, comprehensible thanks to the projector,
the net meeting and the lesson plans in Z:
2. The way you present the lessons, are ambitious, but you have been there
and done that, so that means its attainable.
3. Your persistent asking of the participants to say yes to your questions,
reminded me of Terence Stamp ( YesMan), without hitting us with microphone
when we fail to do so. hehehe
4. In connection with item 1, there are frequent breaks in between and during lessons,
it gives just enough time for some of us to follow on the lesson at hand (and to
go to the rest room nearby)
5. In connection with item 4, the rest room is just close
6. The food is great. Quality the people distributing them are very accomodating.
7. The facilitators on both sides have also been very helpful when we got lost in the
middle of the lesson
8. I think it is but proper to say that its worth the money
Now for the not so good part.
1. If the seminar is worth the money, the rest room nearby, personally, is sort of a rip-off.
10 bucks just to take a leak there? Come on, are you kidding me. I know cleaner
pay toilets that allows the user to piss, produce organic fertilizer (I was about to type
the S-word, but you may not quallify for the freebie due to profanity), or even take a bath
for less than 10 bucks. You can even do all three and it won't even cost more than 10 bucks.
But I guess that is mall management policy.
2. If some participants need to take a leak for free, they have to go the extra distance near KFC
in the entrance (I'm sorry if there are other free toilets nearby that I failed to discover. If there
are they should have been mentioned in the workshop, but I since I saw you in the same pay toilet
I am assuming there are none)
As a whole, it is but fair to say the workshop is praiseworthy.
Many thanks
Kind regards,
Jefferson Z. Vergara
email: jefferson.vergara@db.com
P.S. Hoping to receive the freebie/s on this email. Many thanks and God Bless Jomar
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
Jomar first of all, my sincerest thanks to you and to all the people behind the seminar,
special mention Ma'am Beckie and Ma'am Pinkie.
Now for the review. First of all, all the good stuff:
1. The lessons, though fast paced, comprehensible thanks to the projector,
the net meeting and the lesson plans in Z:
2. The way you present the lessons, are ambitious, but you have been there
and done that, so that means its attainable.
3. Your persistent asking of the participants to say yes to your questions,
reminded me of Terence Stamp ( YesMan), without hitting us with microphone
when we fail to do so. hehehe
4. In connection with item 1, there are frequent breaks in between and during lessons,
it gives just enough time for some of us to follow on the lesson at hand (and to
go to the rest room nearby)
5. In connection with item 4, the rest room is just close
6. The food is great. Quality the people distributing them are very accomodating.
7. The facilitators on both sides have also been very helpful when we got lost in the
middle of the lesson
8. I think it is but proper to say that its worth the money
Now for the not so good part.
1. If the seminar is worth the money, the rest room nearby, personally, is sort of a rip-off.
10 bucks just to take a leak there? Come on, are you kidding me. I know cleaner
pay toilets that allows the user to piss, produce organic fertilizer (I was about to type
the S-word, but you may not quallify for the freebie due to profanity), or even take a bath
for less than 10 bucks. You can even do all three and it won't even cost more than 10 bucks.
But I guess that is mall management policy.
2. If some participants need to take a leak for free, they have to go the extra distance near KFC
in the entrance (I'm sorry if there are other free toilets nearby that I failed to discover. If there
are they should have been mentioned in the workshop, but I since I saw you in the same pay toilet
I am assuming there are none)
As a whole, it is but fair to say the workshop is praiseworthy.
Many thanks
Kind regards,
Jefferson Z. Vergara
email: jefferson.vergara@db.com
P.S. Hoping to receive the freebie/s on this email. Many thanks and God Bless Jomar
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
Friday, July 17, 2009
Manila Internet Marketing Workshop. Jan 29-30.2010
How does 14-16 hours of full HANDS ON TRAINING on how to create semi-passive income on the internet - sound to you?
If you're not in Cebu/CDO/Davao or Manila, try the ONLINE WORKSHOP to help you create that freedom-giving internet income:

Learn how to...
-Setup a business that can replace your day job
-Setup a business that you can sell someday. like real estate
-Setup a 2nd source of income w/o leaving your day job!
-Deal with Virtual Assistants for the first time-effectively!
-No retirement pay? No problem! Online businesses can be
your retirement income!
-Learn how the internet experts are doing it-even if
you're not that good yourself!
-Setup and use autoresponders
-Sell online w/o knowing how to sell personally
-Set things up automatically so it makes money while you
-Find and create products that can make income for you.
For Businesses:
-Learn the techniques Pinoy & International Internet
Marketers have used for years!
-Promote your business -online -ahead of your competitors!
-Follow SEO practices from the beginning --even w/o
realizing it!
-Find out where the LATEST keywords can come from
(nope, it's not overture)
-Discover more about your clients w/o asking them.
-Saturate the internet w/o doing the heavy lifting yourself.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario in the ...
The Truly Rich Internet Marketing Hands On Workshop
*with 20,000 pesos worth of bonus products that you can use/sell/giveaway
Email manilaworkshop@gmail.com to get your SLOT reserved! Call up Beckie at Tel. (02) 7229562 (Tuesdays-Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.)
Venue: GENEX, Farmer's Plaza Mall, Cubao, beside the Cubao MRT (Walk in is discouraged due to the large amount of pre-event activities that are done).
Date: Jan 29-30.2010, Friday-Sat,
(Friday: 10:30am-5:30pm, Sat: 10:30am-5:30pm)
See what you can benefit from attending this workshop:
BENEFIT 1: Create a way to make money semi-passively on the internet. Blogging with Adsense with Automatic Writing (note: no writing talent required, minimum time spent per month)
How to....
+- Find popular niches in small markets in seconds!
+- Know what other things your market is interested in
aside from your niche.
+- Name your blog so it appears top in search engines
+- Update your blog regularly, even when you're on
vacation or busy doing other things.
+- Keep your blog relevant/current even if you have
no writing talent.
+- Develop your blog's popularity - both quickly and
slowly you can do both - at the same time!
+- Maximize your blog format for high adsense
+- Track which niche is making money for you.
+- "Decorate" your blog with items that increase it's
earning potential.
+- Do "link love" for maximum popularity (for your blog).
+- Do all the above in the shortest number of steps
+- Make blogs that give only a high amount of income
and ignore those niches that pay comparatively little.
+- Make use of other people's blogs to make yours more
+- Never run out of topics for your blogs.
+- Take charge of your income in blogging - concentrate on
the money earners.
+- Do all of the above ETHICALLY and LEGALLY
What to past participants say?
BENEFIT 2: Build an online business complete with customers, products and credit card acceptance!
Create an online store, an online newsletter and a client capture website!
How to....
+- Start an online store with one product only and build up to
+- Set up a site or email that instantly accepts credit cards -
from the Philippines!
+- Capture client's emails in any site/email you create.
+- Create an automated online newsletter
+- Find stuff to put into your newsletter when you have no
writing talent.
+- Create free offers.
+- Use the very system that the Internet Marketing "Bigboys" are using to create their wealth!
+- Close a sale on the internet
+- Use BENEFIT 1 in creating your product - if you don't have
+- Super charge your existing business so you're on top of your client's needs.
+- Fill up your store/venue when you have an event/promo
+- Get ahead in your business using time tested practices
marketing experts use in your own niche!
BENEFIT 3: Let everybody in your market know all about you.
Internet Promotion, where to do it, do's and don'ts , do it.
How to....
+- Promote in forums, blogs, social networks, event
calendars, etc.
+- Have the correct mindset so you succeed in promotion
+- Synergize your offline and online promotions for
maximum success utilize offline marketing techniques in
your online promotions
+- Be a business owner- when it comes to promoting your
business or service.
BENEFIT 4: Virtual Assistants: Free up your time in the process. There's so much to do, so little time, What do I do?
How to....
+- Avoid doing all this heavy lifting and get your life back
while earning on the side.
+- Find, qualify and deal with virtual assistants (VA) that do
all the work for you
+- How to create digital products just by dealing with these VAs.
Experience Bonus 1:
You'll learn all the above without the technical terms and complicated concepts that sometimes cloud understanding. All you'll learn is practical, doable and instantly usable.
Take Home Bonus:
You take home ALL HANDOUTS and PRESENTATIONS so you can apply what you have learned on your own. All presentations are STEP-BY-STEP and even a grandmother can follow them. P.S. Bring a large capacity USB Thumb Drive for the BONUSES. (400MB)
Must be able to create a new email account. This is no joke. If you have no experience in creating an account - you might have a hard time following - and I suggest you bring along someone who is- to guide you! This requirement involves being able to surf, click, right click, drag, high-light, copy and paste. If you're chuckling because you know these things already - or you're sad because you don't --know that we will be spending time -during the event in training you in these basics.
Create a working website that you can use to sell anything.
This level of detail has not been available to others at this price before-till now. The value of this workshop is in excess of P 200,000 - if you attend it in the US.
"Yahoo! I already earned my first $100, after 2 months!" - Dandy, Cebu
"What I liked about the workshop is that the instructions were easy to understand. Anyone with a little bit of basic computer skills will be able to comprehend." Vincent
"(I like the section on) Blogging & adsense...because I don't need to be a good writer to earn semi-passive income."
"What I like most in the workshop is the opportunity to market globally whatever you want to sell. I want to earn as well ." Mike
"Sulit na Sulit!" Judith
This is not a TALKING SEMINAR, but a DOING WORKSHOP. You leave the event with a website you can use to sell any product.
Email manilaworkshop@gmail.com to get your SLOT reserved!
See what you can benefit from attending this workshop:
BENEFIT 1: Create a way to make money semi-passively on the internet. Blogging with Adsense with Automatic Writing (note: no writing talent required, minimum time spent per month)
How to....
+- Find popular niches in small markets in seconds!
+- Know what other things your market is interested in
aside from your niche.
+- Name your blog so it appears top in search engines
+- Update your blog regularly, even when you're on
vacation or busy doing other things.
+- Keep your blog relevant/current even if you have
no writing talent.
+- Develop your blog's popularity - both quickly and
slowly you can do both - at the same time!
+- Maximize your blog format for high adsense
+- Track which niche is making money for you.
+- "Decorate" your blog with items that increase it's
earning potential.
+- Do "link love" for maximum popularity (for your blog).
+- Do all the above in the shortest number of steps
+- Make blogs that give only a high amount of income
and ignore those niches that pay comparatively little.
+- Make use of other people's blogs to make yours more
+- Never run out of topics for your blogs.
+- Take charge of your income in blogging - concentrate on
the money earners.
+- Do all of the above ETHICALLY and LEGALLY
What to past participants say?
Vince Golangco
BENEFIT 2: Build an online business complete with customers, products and credit card acceptance!
Create an online store, an online newsletter and a client capture website!
How to....
+- Start an online store with one product only and build up to
+- Set up a site or email that instantly accepts credit cards -
from the Philippines!
+- Capture client's emails in any site/email you create.
+- Create an automated online newsletter
+- Find stuff to put into your newsletter when you have no
writing talent.
+- Create free offers.
+- Use the very system that the Internet Marketing "Bigboys" are using to create their wealth!
+- Close a sale on the internet
+- Use BENEFIT 1 in creating your product - if you don't have
+- Super charge your existing business so you're on top of your client's needs.
+- Fill up your store/venue when you have an event/promo
+- Get ahead in your business using time tested practices
marketing experts use in your own niche!
Jan Hilado
BENEFIT 3: Let everybody in your market know all about you.
Internet Promotion, where to do it, do's and don'ts , do it.
How to....
+- Promote in forums, blogs, social networks, event
calendars, etc.
+- Have the correct mindset so you succeed in promotion
+- Synergize your offline and online promotions for
maximum success utilize offline marketing techniques in
your online promotions
+- Be a business owner- when it comes to promoting your
business or service.
BENEFIT 4: Virtual Assistants: Free up your time in the process. There's so much to do, so little time, What do I do?
How to....
+- Avoid doing all this heavy lifting and get your life back
while earning on the side.
+- Find, qualify and deal with virtual assistants (VA) that do
all the work for you
+- How to create digital products just by dealing with these VAs.
Irene Chua
Experience Bonus 1:
You'll learn all the above without the technical terms and complicated concepts that sometimes cloud understanding. All you'll learn is practical, doable and instantly usable.
Take Home Bonus:
You take home ALL HANDOUTS and PRESENTATIONS so you can apply what you have learned on your own. All presentations are STEP-BY-STEP and even a grandmother can follow them. P.S. Bring a large capacity USB Thumb Drive for the BONUSES. (400MB)
Must be able to create a new email account. This is no joke. If you have no experience in creating an account - you might have a hard time following - and I suggest you bring along someone who is- to guide you! This requirement involves being able to surf, click, right click, drag, high-light, copy and paste. If you're chuckling because you know these things already - or you're sad because you don't --know that we will be spending time -during the event in training you in these basics.
Create a working website that you can use to sell anything.
This level of detail has not been available to others at this price before-till now. The value of this workshop is in excess of P 200,000 - if you attend it in the US.
"Yahoo! I already earned my first $100, after 2 months!" - Dandy, Cebu
"What I liked about the workshop is that the instructions were easy to understand. Anyone with a little bit of basic computer skills will be able to comprehend." Vincent
"(I like the section on) Blogging & adsense...because I don't need to be a good writer to earn semi-passive income."
"What I like most in the workshop is the opportunity to market globally whatever you want to sell. I want to earn as well ." Mike
"Sulit na Sulit!" Judith
This is not a TALKING SEMINAR, but a DOING WORKSHOP. You leave the event with a website you can use to sell any product.
Email manilaworkshop@gmail.com to get your SLOT reserved!
Venue: GENEX, Farmer's Plaza Mall, Cubao, beside the Cubao MRT
Email Beaconlightevents+blog@gmail.com to reserve your slot before the the limited # of seats run out. It's Date: Jan 29-30.2010, Friday-Sat
Yes, it's so good you will say that a day's absence from work will be MORE THAN WORTH IT.
Super Double Guarantee: If you're not able to recover double the fee (P 9750 per person, the special Couples or Business Partners Price is P8750 only per person) to this workshop using what you learned - after one year, we'll refund you plus 1,000 pesos for your trouble!
To avail of this workshop in the US - will cost you P 85,000 - P200,000 - and that's just attendance to a seminar. This workshop is a bargain at P 9750.-!
Email Beaconlightevents+blog@gmail.com to get details on how to reserve your seat now.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario
About the Trainor:
Goal: To Make You Truly Rich
Core gift: Teaching and Training
Passion: Sharing his (Technical) knowledge in the simplest way.
Core skills: Presentation, Internet Technology, Marketing
Recent Achievement: Filled up a 10,000 seat venue in 30 days via online marketing. Yes, how this is done will also be shared in the Internet Marketing Workshop.
P.S1. Each person most likely knows someone else who is passionate about earning online. Please do not close this email until you've sent this opportunity to that person. He or she will be thanking you -richly - very very soon.
Oh yes the P 20,000 worth of bonuses is included in his package. This contains Ebooks that you can sell or give away to attract your customers, specially if you don't have a product. There are also programs you can use in your business as well as Informational Ebooks about Internet Marketing.
Date: Jan 29-30.2010, Friday-Sat,
(Friday: 10:30am-5:30pm, Sat: 10:30am-5:30pm)
You only have a few days to decide-there are limited seats! A workshop of THIS level of detail is NOT OFFERED ANYWHERE in the Philippines.
Email Beaconlightevents+blog@gmail.com to reserve your slot before the the limited # of seats run out. It's Date: Jan 29-30.2010, Friday-Sat
Yes, it's so good you will say that a day's absence from work will be MORE THAN WORTH IT.
Super Double Guarantee: If you're not able to recover double the fee (P 9750 per person, the special Couples or Business Partners Price is P8750 only per person) to this workshop using what you learned - after one year, we'll refund you plus 1,000 pesos for your trouble!
To avail of this workshop in the US - will cost you P 85,000 - P200,000 - and that's just attendance to a seminar. This workshop is a bargain at P 9750.-!
Email Beaconlightevents+blog@gmail.com to get details on how to reserve your seat now.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario
About the Trainor:
Goal: To Make You Truly Rich
Core gift: Teaching and Training
Passion: Sharing his (Technical) knowledge in the simplest way.
Core skills: Presentation, Internet Technology, Marketing
Recent Achievement: Filled up a 10,000 seat venue in 30 days via online marketing. Yes, how this is done will also be shared in the Internet Marketing Workshop.
P.S1. Each person most likely knows someone else who is passionate about earning online. Please do not close this email until you've sent this opportunity to that person. He or she will be thanking you -richly - very very soon.
Oh yes the P 20,000 worth of bonuses is included in his package. This contains Ebooks that you can sell or give away to attract your customers, specially if you don't have a product. There are also programs you can use in your business as well as Informational Ebooks about Internet Marketing.
bo sanchez,
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
virtual assistant,
Monday, July 13, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
Hi Jomar,
Good day to you......
I'm one of the attendees of the TRULY RICH INTERNET MARKETING WORKSHOP last Jan.30-31.
I have learned lots of new things about internet marketing, how to do it properly and how to earn from it. The staff/assistants were all very friendly and accomodating. The snacks/meals are great!!!
The only concern I'd like to mention was the way some of the topics were tackled, some were too fast for me to catch up or maybe I'm the one being a slow learner, but overall the live workshop was truly an unforgettable experience and you have given all the participants softcopies of the workshop, for us to study it over and over.
Thank you very much for the awesome opportunity that God thru you (Jomar) have given to me and my family, to earn during this time of crisis. Thank you very much for the freebies that you will send to me in return for my reviews of the workshop.
I pray that many Filipinos will learn from you especially those in need (financial).
God Bless,
Charlie A. Castillo
Naic, Cavite
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
Good day to you......
I'm one of the attendees of the TRULY RICH INTERNET MARKETING WORKSHOP last Jan.30-31.
I have learned lots of new things about internet marketing, how to do it properly and how to earn from it. The staff/assistants were all very friendly and accomodating. The snacks/meals are great!!!
The only concern I'd like to mention was the way some of the topics were tackled, some were too fast for me to catch up or maybe I'm the one being a slow learner, but overall the live workshop was truly an unforgettable experience and you have given all the participants softcopies of the workshop, for us to study it over and over.
Thank you very much for the awesome opportunity that God thru you (Jomar) have given to me and my family, to earn during this time of crisis. Thank you very much for the freebies that you will send to me in return for my reviews of the workshop.
I pray that many Filipinos will learn from you especially those in need (financial).
God Bless,
Charlie A. Castillo
Naic, Cavite
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
Friday, July 10, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
Hi Jomar this is Alex Bunag a participant of above-subject workshop. I am so pleased to have attended your workshop. It was really very informative. If the Lord God permits I will really be rich and successful in the Internet Business. However, I find the seminar too fast. Maybe I am just too slow. At 48 I am a retired banker and my sharpest year was about 24 years ago when I passed the CPA. May I suggest that before the seminar the participants be categorized according to the degree of knowledge in the internet. This will help us seggregate the fast and the slow learners. Sometimes we are more concerned about the fast participants who might get bored and sleepy. I believe the time allocated for the whole duration of the seminar was made for participants who has average knowledge in the internet. Again, I am so happy to have known you personally. More power to you and God Bless you.
Warmest regards
Alex Padilla Bunag
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
Warmest regards
Alex Padilla Bunag
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
Friday, July 3, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
Your workshop is great, very informative kaso parang kulang pa time, sana next time mas longer or you have a book even for the blogger procedure lang. Pati sana you give us an outline or step by step procedure kasi medyo nakakaligaw pag may natutuanan agad. Yun ibang topics nalimutan ko na gaya ng pagpost na schduled ( can i ask again paano yon para sa blogger)
Thanks a lot the information and knowledge that you share with us. Hope I can start earning na sa blog na napost ko.
mark go
P.S. Thanks again..
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
Your workshop is great, very informative kaso parang kulang pa time, sana next time mas longer or you have a book even for the blogger procedure lang. Pati sana you give us an outline or step by step procedure kasi medyo nakakaligaw pag may natutuanan agad. Yun ibang topics nalimutan ko na gaya ng pagpost na schduled ( can i ask again paano yon para sa blogger)
Thanks a lot the information and knowledge that you share with us. Hope I can start earning na sa blog na napost ko.
mark go
P.S. Thanks again..
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
Hi Jomar,
Here my review, hope you personally read this.
Good points:
It covers a lot of topics on how to earn in IM (blog, newletters, sales).
Because it's a workshop you actually do the stuff taught.
Jomar makes used of the time wisely and make the process easier.
The food is great!
Include additional IM resources (books, websites, ecourse).
It's good that Jomar is very productive on using the time but I suggest to have regular kidney (restroom) break.
More success stories from previous attendees of this workshop (sharing of experiences).
Overall rating: 85%
You'll have my first testimonial on my first $100 adsense earnings and on every $100 there after.
To our success!
Elmer Zabala
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
Here my review, hope you personally read this.
Good points:
It covers a lot of topics on how to earn in IM (blog, newletters, sales).
Because it's a workshop you actually do the stuff taught.
Jomar makes used of the time wisely and make the process easier.
The food is great!
Include additional IM resources (books, websites, ecourse).
It's good that Jomar is very productive on using the time but I suggest to have regular kidney (restroom) break.
More success stories from previous attendees of this workshop (sharing of experiences).
Overall rating: 85%
You'll have my first testimonial on my first $100 adsense earnings and on every $100 there after.
To our success!
Elmer Zabala
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
Friday, June 19, 2009
Here's another honest review about the recent Internet Marketing Workshop/Seminar I've conducted:
Dear Mr. Hilario,
Hello! I attended the recently held Internet Marketing Workshop (Jan. 30-31, 2009) and here’s what I have to say:
• It puts internet surfing into a whole new different light.
• Jomar Hilario’s lessons are simplified, clear and easy to follow.
• It gives fresh ideas on how to market our business
• It provides us the right tool to maximize our success.
All I can say is that given all of these, we could achieve our financial goals granting that we would do our part in creating this source of wealth. More power to you and to the organizer of this event. Godbless us all!
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
Hello! I attended the recently held Internet Marketing Workshop (Jan. 30-31, 2009) and here’s what I have to say:
• It puts internet surfing into a whole new different light.
• Jomar Hilario’s lessons are simplified, clear and easy to follow.
• It gives fresh ideas on how to market our business
• It provides us the right tool to maximize our success.
All I can say is that given all of these, we could achieve our financial goals granting that we would do our part in creating this source of wealth. More power to you and to the organizer of this event. Godbless us all!
So what do you think? Try it out and see the results for yourself - in your life! Rivers of revenue, influx of income and mounds of money - from a source that wasn't there before. Or you can try it before you "buy it" by subscribing to Jomar Hilario's three month electronic course on blogging for dollars. Sign up here: http://www.jomarhilario.com
internet marketing,
jomar hilario,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Basic Internet Selling for Real Estate, Cebu,Cagayan De Oro and Davao. 2009 Aug 15,16,17
You’re About To Learn 'Secrets' That Most
Real Estate Brokers Will Never Know About on How to Really Use the Internet to Increase Your Sales
Real Estate Brokers Will Never Know About on How to Really Use the Internet to Increase Your Sales
When you register for REBAP’s Power Broker Seminar 4 : Basic Internet Selling Module, a joint undertaking between Bahay.ph and REBAP National thru REBAP Cagayan de Oro Chapter, Cebu Chapter (with Fuente Triangle Dev. Corp.), & Davao Chapter, you'll discover secrets like ...
- How to advertise in the internet using real estate websites where buyers are, classified ads & forums here & abroad
- How to maximize advertisements in Yahoo where most Filipinos are
- How to build your client-list by buying leads & using SMS properly
- How to set-up your first website using a blog
- How to set-up your second website using social networks
- How to create your own website for your online marketing business.
- How to set-up your own domain name in cyberspace (yoursite.com)
- How to increase your website visitors by using brochures/flyers
- How to use free list-building
- How to connect your website to your blogs & social networks
- Lessons from the veterans -- success & pitfalls of selling real estate via the internet, discussion of the “rubber band effect”, & rules on linking
- PLUS, this seminar gives you the 8-hour Continuing Education Program (CEP) credits required by the Department of Trade and Industry for the license renewal of Certified Real Estate Brokers
Your Internet GURU :
Jomar Hilario, an established Internet Marketer who sold P 2M worth of sales for one single event in less than 30 days using his internet tools.
For the past two years, he has been assisting Bro. Bo Sanchez of Kerygma-fame and Larry Gamboa of “Think Rich, Pinoy” in maximizing their business websites, making their businesses grow dramatically.
He has also assisted FIRST TIME real estate investors in selling their properties online.
He has also assisted FIRST TIME real estate investors in selling their properties online.
Jomar will share with you the same proven systems that have earned millions for others – and how you can duplicate this in your internet business many, many times - in the most creative presentations you will ever see!
August 15 (Saturday) – 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. The Dynasty Court Hotel
August 16, 2009 (Sunday) - 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Crown Regency Club Ultima, F. Ramos St., Cebu City
August 17, 2009 (Monday) – 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. (Apo View Hotel
P3,000 for REBAP members; P3,750 (regular rate) for non-REBAP
Now only P 2,500 for all participants, inclusive of hand-outs, lunch and snacks, bonusesand Certificate of Completion
Now only P 2,500 for all participants, inclusive of hand-outs, lunch and snacks, bonusesand Certificate of Completion
Reserve NOW and get the following Bonuses:
- FREE Real Estate Audiobook from a large collection (Value P 1K - P 2K)
- You take home all slides presentation materials - softcopy-available for download (Valued at P 2,750)
- Get access to one month FREE email consultation with the speaker (Normally valued at P 1,800 per hour!)
- Get FREE access to a 90-day ecourse on how to use blogs to earn dollars online (Value P 1750)
- A FREE one-year on-line registration to a “Customer Management System” (Valued at P 12,000.00)
Hurry! Make your reservations by contacting Joe V. Abadesco at (63-2) 566-5044 or 0922-8198848 or his email at internetsellingseminar@gmail.com.
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