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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Here's what Grace of LinkProfits said about Jomar

"I started becoming a VA on my own way back in 2005, and  when I was bound to stop I saw sir Jomar's success through one of Bo's articles. I wanted to be like him, earning at more and just at home, but later on I found that that it's not just the money that I wanted to have... it's how he has still time to teach people - strangers to do what he does and still have time for his family.

His passion and dedication alone to teaching others has contributed to what I do today. I work at home, I run my own charity with my friends, and I help people learn what i've learned. :) Sir Jomar is an inspiration to me."

Grace Ramores
Multimedia Artist/VA
LinkProfits - UmbrellaConsultancy

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