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Friday, November 2, 2012

Here's what Bennett said about Jomar's Deep Internet Secrets & VA Seminars, and Mastery Group

"Hello Jomar,

I had work as sales Engineer, Project Engr. etc. that was during my younger days till I decided to settle here in Batangas  leaving my life in the urban because I thought I already have enought savings to start my own business but I was not that lucky. One day I just find myself poorer than a rat tilll I come across with your ads in the facebook. it took my attention and did try to attend one of your VA seminar that was held last March 17, 2012 in Taguig City. Now I am still on learning stage and hoping in the next few months I can work as homebase VA. Anyway for now I don't have much to say but I want to thank you in helping me regaining my self confidence again and showing me that at my age there are still  many opportunities. Hope in the next few months I can share success stories at your page."

Bennett Gaylan
freelance sales engineer

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